September 21, 2009

Less than 2 months until... you know what!

So we are finally under the 60 day mark! Exciting right?!?! I'm super excited. So it got me wondering.. how does one properly [<-- "proper F'n Wolf!" lmao- sorrie inside joke. go here to get it] prepare for a movie premiere like New Moon? Its not every movie were thousands of people, young and old are anxious for the official release! So we [and maybe just me] want to know-- How are u preparing for the release of NM?! I'll post my list below.. and maybe Kim will too. So leave us comments with your "things to do before NM" check list! =)

- Re-read NM... just got to cute movie tie-in edition =)
- Get one [or 2] of those lil Burger King Crowns! Yep i'm rockin that sh*t to the premiere!
- (Possibly) make a shirt.. gotta represent for all the Team Jacob-ers!
- Watch Twilight a couple times.. gotta make sure I don't forget anything.
- Buy the soundtrack... or borrow Kim's! nothing like the NM soundtrack to get me in the NM mood
- Watch random vampire/wolf movies and laugh at how they are completely wacked-out compared to what NM will bring to the table
- Find more hott pics of my Kellan Bear & Jail Bait hottness to drool over ;)
..... that concludes my list, more may be added later ....

here's some juicy eye candy =)

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even from the side he looks good

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