September 19, 2009

Twi-challenge: part 2

The challenge hasn't started yet but i came across the valentines day preview, just remember Taylor Lautner isn't even in the preview but they have a list of celebrities who are which makes me question if you'll be seeing it for Taylor or one of the other celebs. He also has a minor role compared to Rob who's in all of Remember me (damn, i should be a lawyer). 
Julia Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Bradley Cooper, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Ashton Kutcher, Jennifer Garner, Emma Roberts, Joe Jonas, Taylor Swift, Topher Grace, Patrick Dempsey, Jamie Foxx, Eric Dane, Queen Latifah, Shirley MacLaine, Carter Jenkins, and George Lopez.-Damn now i might go see it

and no twihershey, my weakness does not mean you've won i refuse to see it until i see Remember Me!how can you resist all this hotness

rp2.jpg picture by RobsessedBLOG
hmmm, Rob Hottie, WET!-him not me, maybe-find more smut here

pssst, calling all Jacon fans

Twihershey being the boss b*tch that she is brought it to my attention that there really aren't a lot of blogs out there for her puppy. While this pleases me oh so very much, i did agree to make our blog Switzerland, and i am happy to oblige, with that said lets bring on the puppy love! Warning-hope you're prepared for a series of original Taylor Lautner posts from a Robward fan.....holy f*ck, this sh*t's gonna be harder than i thought it would be.
Some quick puppy facts-he was born on Feb 11,1992 aka cool your panties cause he's not legal yet and i will get your asses arrested. He went to Valencia high school but you crazy ass Jacon fans caused him to test out. He had a role in Scooby Doo ('05) training...sry-and My Wife and Kids('04)-this was the show back in the day-most importantly he's not bad to look at when your not staring at RPattz-yup like a true Rob hottie lover, had to find a way to put him in this one too :)

is that you jacon???? what a cute wittle wolfy...i knew you were a .rob fan!!
***Joking twihershey this is Brie i'll even be a good girl and post a pic of Jacon
****Jacon=Jacob, twihershey just don't know how to spell and now i won't let her live it down!

this is Jacon's human form

more updates from Twitter- get comfy!!

So rather than sleeping I've been searching around at other sites, getting my Team Jacob/New Moon/Eclipse fix since i'll be busy all tomorrow... Anyway I was looking around at [haven't check out there site in a while =/] and stumbled upon a Twitter update from Gil [he plays Billy Black, father of... u know!]

now I love the wolfs- Jake most of all... but I must say that this section of Eclipse must have been the most difficult to get through!! Y'all know what i'm talking about.. the 10 or so page section devoted to Billy Black telling the story of how the wolfs became who they are. Now idk if this stems back to my lack of interest in History or if the whole section was just blah... but I really didn't care for this portion of the book. Luckily this was probably the only wolf related section I dislike! Anything else, bring it on!!!
twitter screen pics used are from:

September 18, 2009

So the twi-challenge begins......

We've been at this bloggy business for about a month now, hopefully you smut lovers realize we are two different people. I being the fun, tell it like it is smut bringer and twihersheys are-as she puts it-polar opposites. She says i'm always pissed and i love to swear....hmmm think they have room for one more at the twitarded inn??? I swear cause i'm the sh*t lol really i swear cause it's fun god damn it. We've decided to put my assumptions to test cause you know Rob's the sh*t. [i was totally gonna put something mean.. but i wont. but he aint the sh*t] Rob and Taylor each have a movie premiering next year on the same day and we would like to know which will do better-to be fair Taylor already has an advantage considering ever celebrity who's somebody will be in that damn movie-however i'm betting on Rob hottie all the way because he never fails. [actually... he failed to shave those nasty tummy hairs b4 shooting NM] well that twitter msg was a huge fail but that's beside the point we loves us some Rob. Will this become a team Edward vs. Team Jacon battle or Rob vs. Taylor or Robward vs. Taycon? i'm hoping you all know the difference by now.
fyi team Jacon was created by Twihersheys lol cause b*tch can't spell, shows you how much she supports the puppy. ummm can you NOT put my spelling errors on blast?! DANG!!!

find more like these on twifans
***Rude red comments were so rudely made by twihersheys, did i mention how rude she is intruding on my blog, rude!

The Tweet heard around the [twilight] world

So I'm sure we all follow PFach on Twitter right?! I mean he is Mr Twitter and all!! So i'm sure you alll know how he has random bet and things going on w/ his Twitter?! Remember his friend had dance to "Single Ladies" down Hollywood Blvd... in a bikini!!! And just a few weeks ago my Kellan Bear [he gets a new nickname too =D ] Tweeted from PFach's phone/account!! So then Peter got what seemed to be the best idea ever! he gets 1,000,000 followers and we get a tweet from Rob or Taylor [i was hoping for Tay]!! And I'm assuming we did it, cause this popped up on Peter's Twitter page
Thanks a million. Here's Rob... Hi, it's Rob... My first and last tweet. My dad made me do it. from Tweetie

Peter Facinelli

... Of course I was oblivious until Ms. Team Edward [BFF] texted me about it... but then I noticed.... Peter didnt have 1,000,000 followers!! It stated 995,234.. So I ask, did Peter end the contest prematurely and give in to you crazy Rob fans?! Or did nearly 5,000 people get pissed [either cause the message was tooo short or it wasnt Tay] and decided to 'unfollow' Peter?!?! Since I didnt see how many followers Peter had before the message was posted i'll never know.... What I do know is... next time PFach needs to give us Taylor!!! Heck, even Kstew will do! Its only fair.. we've seen 'tweets' from: Rob, Nikki & Kellan Bear!
* no offense was intended my the "crazy rob fans" comment... =)BFF knows this.. so dont send hate mail!

the WORST Team Jacob merchandise... EVER!

Okay, you've all seen Ms. Team Edward's [kim] crazy blogs about random.. RANDOM twilight merchandise... make-up, clothes, Edward wig, shoes, etc. But I believe I have literally found one of the most disturbing pieces of merchandise! You all know I'm all for Team Jacob & I absolutely adore Taylor aka "jail bait hottie" [my new nickname for him!] but I would NEVER EVER be caught dead in what I'm about to show you! And I swear if i see anyone in these.. they will be fussed at.. or laughed at!! I really do believe these may by worse than ANY other 'Twilight' themed shoes I've seen... [and sadly a few ppl on the site i found these said theyd really wear them.... i've been sniffing something!!]

Will any dude really get these if the dress as 'Jacob Black' for halloween???
more info about this picture and where it could have possibly come from can be found here

Twilight on TV?

Nope I'm not refering to the Twilight movie premering on cable.. that's not until November! But if you do have cable... (Dish Network I for sure know of) you should have Reelz Channel. So check you cable stations OR Back to the oint of this lovely blog... Each week since TwiCon was in Dallas (early August) ReelzChannel has shown weekly episodes of the 'Twilight Spotlight'. They dedicate each episode to different topics that are related to Twilight. So far they've toured Forks, had coverage from TwiCon, Twilight related singers/bands, a whole episode about PFach and much more to come!! Some lucky Twilight fans who have websites have also been shown on a few episodes... I soo wanna know how I can get on there! So be sure to check it out Mondays! Got to for more details. Below is a little clip of the show.

Why i <3 Twitter & David Slade

Although I don't check the twitter updates of every people I follow on a daily basis, I do get around to it... eventually. In my lack of doing so, I apparently miss all the good sh*t! :-/ [thanks "bff" for tellin me!] Turns out my FAV part of Eclipse was shot on last Saturday! This is what David Slade [director of Eclipse] had to say...

Yes we were shooting Bella and Jacob's kiss on the mountain, its really a grueling emotional thing to have to shoot over and over. from web


And just when i thought that was all i would get to fill my Team Jacob needs... D. Slade posted this yesterday [while i was probably in class...]

Yesterday Taylor had to carry Kristen for several hours, he held it together - hope he can lift his arms today. Rain dumped on us all day. from web


So thanks to David for all his informative Twitter updates and/or pics... especially those thoe hott jail bait pics of Tay.. I would totally get locked up for that hottness! WHOA [not really locked up.. but he's the hottest jail bait i've seen in a looonnngg time!]

this is the jail bait hottess i'm refering to =)

The Ultimate Trailor?

So the other day I found what I'd been waiting to see since the VMAs.. all the NM trailors COMBiNED! But sadly the one I did find, did not include the Comic-Com footage.... can we say super sad face for me?!? No TL stripping... helping Kstew mend her bloody forehead.. ::sigh:: Well that all changed today/tonight/the wee hours of the AM!! As I was catching up on the latest Twilight/NM/Eclipse news I stumbled upon this little video that must be a God-send!!! YES, you've guessed!! ALL the trailors [including comic-con] have been murged and I am pleased[although the motorcycle part was shortned... lol] !! =) Video clip found here

[sorrie for the lack of posts from me [HersheyKissez/Nicole] :-/ School is in FULL swing and i'm pretty busy... Thank Goodess Kim is on her A game w/ her posts!! Now I gotta catch up!]

September 17, 2009

100monkeys interview

You may or may not have seen this but it's too hilarious not to post! esp the part about Rob hottie and the cup some how being the monkey's fault. FYI our guys are hitting the big time selling out shows in under 12hrs! might i say Jackspers smile makes me all warm and tingly :) it shows how much he enjoyed this interview-as bizarre as it was-he laughs through most of it.

Videos of Rob, Kris and Tay

This was a bonus in Japan's Twilight dvd set, i found it really cute because it was before BFF and I became Twihards or even knew about Twilight-i'm guessing its the same for most people-it's just really good to see them smile and laugh and joke like they did before they went into the hiding by way of the man Summit. It's super cute too because they obviously don't understand the fans and vice versa and the translators aren't much help, i think they were star struck, love Kstew this was obviously pre-b*tch face.

kstew will cut a b*tch lmfao, she's done b*tch face in interviews too fyi this is hilarious! even though the host going off afterwards isn't cool, heffa knows what she did and yes, she did deserve bitch face for asking-gotta love kstew-after you watch that video you can see them in Japan below looking all kinda hotness.

Is it possible? was I right?

After the buzz last night about the exclusives from the set of Eclipse-aka b*tches needed to get checked or this-i signed into twitter today to find this little pot of gold waiting for me.....

lol, the silly paparazzi think they have pics of me and Xavier but they don't, they're background workers. =P I find that very funny.....

so i ask you it possible? was i right? i blew off that story for a reason and here we have Jodelle aka Bree confirming that people were taking pics of background actors not her and Xavier, lmfao, aaaah how good it feels to be right!
In light of this newly found nugget i give you....KLutz at the gym

holy jesus, mary and joseph um before i forget words click here to bring sexy back

***can i just say how much more i love pfach cause he's chosen to join Kellan in the gun show! twifans has more pics of their stroll through Vancity.

September 16, 2009

It needs to be said

Came home to a twitter page filled with omg pho-to-tos of eclipse set, gaaaah.....if i didn't say something about this then i wouldn't be me-ya'll wouldn't love me anymore-alright, enough of that crap, unless it's a pic of the primary cast i really don't give a damn-no that pic of Xavier don't count, you can't see him clearly, he's like a blip on a radar-the comments are what bothers me "i was on my way home from work and some how went down a empty ass road and found the set, i'm not set stalking i climbed the mountain and found the damn tent scene but out of respect for the cast i won't post pics til they wrap so no one will go looking for the set, really? are you really sh*ting me with this crap? if you want to see this bs or the photos the paps in training took they're not hard to find, can't believe she had the nerve to say that.
Some Rob remedy should calm me..............   ...... ....    ........  . . . .

damn it, i'm still awake! sleep b*tch, sleep Edward's calling
click here for more Rob porn, assuming your old enough to buy porn then you may view this video, it does so much with so few pictures.....
~photo credit

Billy Burke: The REAL ODB

Found this video over at twifans, had to share it because the crack head holding the stick don't know how to do sh*t, she acts like its her first time-i know, hard to imagine-b*tch took over a min to get her damn intro right, she didn't even know his damn name. Billy turned it around though in true Billy fashion, i love his response to her other question "i'm here to play poker" yeah right cause people really waste their time going to the play boy mansion to "play poker".......

September 15, 2009

*This is a must read*

While i am a big Rpattz fan, found this on Lainey Gossip and while i constantly make fun of the puppy i figure this should even the playing field a little more. Alan-Lainey's temp blogger-posted this today and let me warn the sh*t is hilarious.-Team RobWard, i'm sorry, save a Volvo ride a Cullen???-

The blog so brilliantly titled "a craigslist closet case"

*are you Asian and hot? want to f-ck a movie star?* - 26 (Vancouver) So here's the scoop I'm 26 caucasian and f-cking hot I'm here in town for filming staying at an upscale hotel. I'll let you know all the details later... I'm a B list actor but will be on the A list very shortly in good time. What am I looking for you ask? A gorgeous asian boy that I can f-ck the hell out of. F.Y.I. I'm not out and everyone thinks I'm straight but being gay is my secret to keep. This little rendezvous will happen in my hotel room and yes I'm registered under an alias.

                                      the blog go on to say

This ad comes from Craigslist Vancouver. I could be in Vancouver. I could be a gorgeous Asian boy. I could be anything you want me to be, just to find out who this supposed closet case is! You know I totally answered it, too. Hey, it’s all in the name of investigative blogging, aight? And who is currently filming in Vancouver that this could possibly apply to? I’m pinning my hopes on LipGloss. Or could it be someone from the Twilight cast?

~fyi, for those who don't know Lainey speak lipgloss=Zac Efron
                                      to read the rest click here

Twilight mistakes

I've been hearing people beg Chris Weitz to remake Twilight and now i'm starting to agree-i could def. spare a dolla from my stripper fund for the cause. Youtube has a lot videos showing the editing mistakes from the movie but the deeper i get into the twilight world i'm starting to find mistakes on my own. Reel Chanel has a show called "Twilight Spotlight" basically every week they bring a half hour show about something Twilight related, anyways i was watching their most recent episode where someone mentioned Catherine, yes the lovely director who got into the Guinness Book of World Records, yeah you know, the one that scares the sh*t outta you on those outtakes, yup that one! the b*tch spent 20 grand on the damn gazebo at the end of the movie-the prom scene-that's precious money we could have used on a lot more important things like vampire make up maybe better editing.

Kellan Lutz.....*beep* *beep*.......

I call this post: No Words Necessary.....except the occasional God Damn!
want more, click here, you know you want to???

.............*drool*................why even bother trying to speak, think or breathe

Tuesday night funny to lighten your mood

So while you were obsessing about Taylor and Kstew's impending visit to Knoxville, i was busy finding more twicrap!-personally i don't approve of this, yes it's for charity and what not but those bitches hounded the cast and made them look heartless until someone agreed to the New Moon premiere, there are other ways to raise money for charity, besides don't most of that money go to the movie theater. Listen, there is a reason why premieres happen in LA, accept it and move on-if your at all interested in this crap you can read the damn story here.

to view the rest you can go here.

First of all let me say this, if i see any one in my neighbourhood wearing this sh*t i will personally make you look [more] like a dumbass. This is just nasty looking, it's just wrong. I was going through Twifans and stumbled across this monstrosity........

damn, i think if i say any more i might get arrested. 

September 14, 2009

A letter to all...oh and a side note to BFF

Dear TwiHards,
with this being my last day of vacation and all, i felt the need to reach out and piss you off one last time. Heard some of you been busy getting arrested down in Spoons Forks, WA-calm down Forks, we know where you at, you make it a point to milk the twilight franchise as much as possible so how can we not-anyways, listen f*ckers who the hell cares that you flew your stupid ass to WA for no damn reason. Stop disturbing the local law enforcement and let them get back to nothing protecting the community. Flashing a cop is NOT ok, got it? wtf is wrong with ya'll who the hell flashes a cop for a ticket? better question, who the hell tries to get a ticket in this economy? at least do something entertaining you stupid mother.....damn it, read more on radar.
****BFF this is sooooo for you, bitch face at it's best! teach you to call me a stupid Rob fan, grrrr and i'm a twilight fan as a whole, your just mad cause i'm not falling over the puppy.

you might not be laughing but it made Rob laugh and me too! FYI, there will be a Robsten before there will ever be a Taysten-even the name you made sounds crappy so ha! giant fail! will leave it at that to preserve friendship until NM premiere then i will slap you every time Jacob touches Bella lmao-if you would be so kind as to notice i said Jacob not Taylor, bitch knows the difference between real life and fiction!
~photo taken from thinkingofrob

On this weeks edition of TwiCrap.....

we would like to introduce you to the twilight chucks, you can customize them with your fav team or even your fav book-take it from me, make sure they paint "big ass loser" on it as well when you place your order. The examiner has the full story as well as order details.

found this and it was so hilarious i had to post it, not exactly twicrap but it will make you laugh all the same.

Here's to the end of another monday!!

which means another day closer to the premiere of New Moon so just to brighten your day i give you Alex.....

hmmm must all the men in this movie be so damn tempting? i must say thank you jesus, mary and joseph cause this man is a vision, twifans has more pics of the wolf pac if you'd like to keep drooling!
now to stir the robsten fire......
wonder what's on rob's mind???? maybe this???
hmmmm or was it this???? and can i say 2nd best kstew pic ever, the one from the vma's took 1st place

photos belong to robsessedpattinson and tonic gossip

Taylor x 3 =)

It was a good day for all us Team Jacob members!! We got a triple, yes triple, dose of our fav wolf!!! I just want to say that i thought little Taylor looked adorable/handsome at the award show, even during the awkward Taylor Swift acceptance speech fiasco. But was it only me that noticed that he's a little short?! Well he's young, he still has time to grow! lol

TL moment #1 - PreShow interview w/ Ashley [Greene]

couldn't video a pic OR a video clip from but thank goodness for YouTube & fellow twilight fans!!

TL moment #2 - Presenting w/ Shakira

Am i the only one who noticed this cute match up... Shakira has a song "she wolf && Tay just so happens to turn into a wolf in NM... they tried making a little joke did yall catch that?!

[pic courtesy of]

TL moment #3 - NM Trailor

As Kim already said.. KStew looked super cute!!! I like her hair cut. Word around Twitter is that its not really cut, but i think it is.... Rob looked nice.. and of course Mr TL looked adorable.

[ photo from ]

September 13, 2009

NM preview scene shots-70 images, um yay?!?

Bella sees visions of Edward.
black volvo! if you want to see all 70 images click here-all courtesy of MTV

Rob, Kristen and Taylor at the vma's

loving the new haircut on kstew-kinda biased cause mine's very similar but still loving it-some people are saying its twisted in the back, basically they didn't cut it, hmmm idk but she's rocking it either way! photo courtesy of mtv
Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart backstage at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards at Radio City Music Hall.
Kristen Stewart backstage at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards at Radio City Music Hall.

'Meet Me On The Equinox' full video

NM preview from the vma's

It's officially time for the vma's and not only do we get a new preview of NM, we get to see rob hottie in all his, he always have that drop your panties like it's hot look going on-i don't think this day could get any better *sigh* keep in mind this preview is just a little longer-10sec-compared to the one before sorority row but so worth it

if your unable to watch that or if you'd like an explaination of any scene mtv has a second by second break down.


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