September 8, 2009

Other TwiNews

So last night's concert seem to be the topic of the day but there are other things going on in the Twilight world. The VMA's is this Sunday which means we're only that much closer to the brand new New Moon clip and Muse's performance. The New Moon soundtrack is actually available for pre-order, it will be available 10/20!
Cameron Bright aka Alec is host a live chat right now- this is what he had to say....It will be a 'get to know me' chat and not about my role in Twilight or the cast members. Please respect that."
***fyi you do need to be a registered member of his website as well.

Saw this on Radar and had to post it just because! Twitternelli told us yesterday that today they film the new  born fight scenes, guess all the bruising Ashley has will either pay off or get worst. Also came across a 100 monkeys interview
we've seen this pic before but MTV asks a good question, which scene is it?? most ppl seem to think it's after the birthday party but if you remember during the party Bella got hurt and Carlisle gave her a brace so this can't be after. It could be the morning before the party, before school??? What do you think?

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