lol, the silly paparazzi think they have pics of me and Xavier but they don't, they're background workers. =P I find that very funny.....
so i ask you it possible? was i right? i blew off that story for a reason and here we have Jodelle aka Bree confirming that people were taking pics of background actors not her and Xavier, lmfao, aaaah how good it feels to be right!
In light of this newly found nugget i give you....KLutz at the gym
holy jesus, mary and joseph um before i forget words click here to bring sexy back
***can i just say how much more i love pfach cause he's chosen to join Kellan in the gun show! twifans has more pics of their stroll through Vancity.
Ummm BFF I see nothing wrong w/ Kellan Bear's glasses. He looks hott as usual! This man can make anything look hott!