The Rob, Chris, Kristen and Taylor being separated caused me to forget a lot of important things this week. I feel like i'm blogging twice as much since one group decided to go to Japan and one group went to Mexico. LA gets the movie premiere before any one else will, you would think they'd want to start promotions here but no let's fly them around the world the day after they finished filming another movie.
Summit sucks ass but i think you already know that much
The cast seems to be flying everywhere from here to Timbuktu this month which makes me wonder what they'll do for Eclipse.....a world wide press tour city by city!
I didn't realize how much their scheduling sucked until i noticed the cast was booked everywhere
Rachelle Lafevre confirmed she will be attending the premiere here in LA
*spoiler*The first proposal will be in the end of New Moon, the second full proposal will be in Eclipse
Breaking Dawn is still unconfirmed
Even though they don't know how to promote this movie right, they did hire the right people and the great reviews from people who saw this movie is a sign New Moon will not suck. one last but of info:
On Nov. 16 for one night only i will become a pap, nothing camera in one hand, digital camera in the other with Eclipse between my legs and a pen in mouth. I'm a mutitasker baby but i'm not crazy so let's hope nothing goes wrong and i don't have to go bitch mode on a few twihards
Here are some new New Moon pics....well they were new yesterday.
source ooops forgot jacob, he needed a boost, sorry bud didn't see ya all the way down there. source
the one in the back not in the front....guess she got tired of wearing pants and got a bit creative and made her own daisy dukes like she wasn't too hot to handle before she busted out the jorts. I saw that pic today and immediatly thought of BEP's humps. Click play, listen and look but please control the drool.
fyi that mystey man is her bro-ham, he's cute! Find the entire gallery here
had to post because we don't have enough photos of Jackson and he's so cute! This is the article from Jackson, Kellan, Nikki, and Ashley's Glamour UK photo shoot. Kellan looks hot as always but i loves me some Jackson.
found it on i felt hope where you can find the entire article.....i felt hope Jackson and Ashley will hook up because they look great together.
omg, the way he holds the mic and the water is epic his response to everything is hilarious almost as much as that girls shoes. The way Chris looks at him is too funny like he wants to ask how much did you really drink?
Unfortunately for them Rob is no longer in Japan, Rob is in LA and a few miles away from me! i'm not a stalker so we won't even go there but am very very happy he's back. Didn't like seeing him hide in a car at LAX but happy he's back even if it's just for a little while. Wonder if he only smiles in Japan? i guess we'll know if a few days after he's flown to a few more countries.
MF if all i can say because these are hawt! holy cheese and biscuit, i don't know why i'm just finding out about these. If blogging paid my bills i'd so quit my job, work made me miss the holy grail. sadspice
Damn, she sure knows how to rock a dress, loving the extensions, yes the photos are real....and Rob, oh sweet jebus there are no words descriptive enough. Want more? click here, it's the entire gallery....thank you leaks, bless you.
am very unwilling to comment on her today because i will hate myself tomorrow, oh what the hell, she looks like she went there to do manual labor and she still manages to look better than i did today. source
Can you handle it? another new moon trailer! some of it has recycled clips bur a little of it's NEW, this is the third tv spot and it's worth watching.
Shame on you Japan, i take back all my compliments about your! can i just say i'd so like to be the girl who snuck up behind him, yes yes shame on me and yet i don't feel ashamed hehe
This is a clip from todays live chat in Mexico, in case you were actually working and missed it. In my opinion this is the cutest part of the interview, the audience had such great questions and Kristen was relaxed and funny and super cute especially when she said "Hola" Taylor was alright even though he wasn't his normal self, he seemed very quiet and a bit shy even though he it was cute when he said he wanted to play Bella instead of Jacob if it was a choice lol-Kristen definitely took control of this one in my eyes both with in her responses to the questions and she looked super cute as well!
Since MTV chose not to rename Ulalume ultra lame i found a way to make it up to you. Can you believe all the clips Summit bestowed on us turned out to be only 9mins of the movie! that's it! 9mins so if you were worried, don't be cause i gotchu, hope you enjoy what this lovely person did....they combined all lovely 9mins into one, it even has the clips that disappeared. Happy Sunday!
WARNING: may cause loss of breathe, speech and memory, happened to me the first time i saw these. The good news, this is part one of four! My favorite part of the interview:
he is an exquisite beauty—with perfectly formed red, red lips and a face that might have been dreamed by the Romantic poets
how i do agree, let me count the ways....loves you vanity fair, am a reader for life or til you stop putting Rob on the cover, which ever comes first :) fyi he also denies having a relationship with the stew, see momma dreams do come true now i can date either one of them, joke! or am i?
I think i died and went to heavens! More pics here, oh yes please! i feel like i need a neon sign with this post.
ME>WORDLESS, SPEECHLESS *DROOL* Sweet Jebus. He knows the power he holds, that's why he's smiling like that.....
Vanity Fair hit stands in LA/NY on Wed, everyone else next Tues, need 7 copies, one for each day of the week. source
They said LA paps were crazy until the cast spent too much time in Vancouver....surprisingly Brazil is by far the worst and those aren't paps.
Notice big man how he had to cradle little Kristen to keep her from getting smashed.
Can we keep our fan love to a minimum people? How do you love someone so much you try to kill them, i mean the girl's all of what 90lbs BE GENTLE. Take a few lessons from the Japanese who welcomed Rob without chaos, the man's smiling while walking through the airport how rare is that?
that smile looks a little mischievous but who doesn't like a dirty Rob? will someone please show Chris a little attention, he looks a little lonely over there in the back, the man is a genius.
Kristen and Taylor flew to Brazil on Friday night to kick off NM promotions today, Chris and Rob flew to Tokyo on Saturday night where promotions will start this week. photo source: Kristen and Taylor, Rob
Kellan chose to go as Robin and not Batman, wonder why? Ashley was a Bird, while Alex, Edi and Chaske was just sexy....i'd say those were some pretty good choices.
love the make-up, she looks so pretty source: Kellan and Ashley, Edi, Chaski and Alex
@TheAlexMeraz: catch me in PEOPLE MAGAZINE, hits stands today...I'm "the sexy man of the week." P.S. I'm shirtless in a pool like a wet dog!11:18 AM Oct 28th
Does this look like a wet dog to you?
didn't think so! i say he's sexy man of the week, month, year and decade! but that's just my opinion...via twifans